
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 钣金加工容易出现什么问题及使用设备的归类 发布时间:(2018/7/7)













Sheet metal processing, see these four words, I believe that you will not feel strange, because, it is one of the main products of the website, in addition, there is a mechanical processing. So, the last article, is about mechanical processing, then below, may wish to continue to understand the sheet metal processing, so that you can also increase the amount of knowledge in this area.

1. sheet metal processing, what does it include? And, for some irregular workpiece or irregular hole processing, what are the problems?

The contents and process steps included in the sheet metal processing are mainly workpiece dropping and the selection of appropriate processing methods, including stamping and shearing, according to their corresponding drawings, so as to carry out their processing work and achieve the desired processing order and effect. For some special-shaped workpieces to be processed by sheet metal or irregular holes, there may be burrs.

2. in sheet metal processing, what specific equipment will be used in different processing areas? And how do you classify these devices?

In the process of sheet metal processing, it will use a lot of machines and equipment, so they can be classified, so that we can also have a clear understanding, and not to have confusion, so from the following, to a good explanation.

Machinery and equipment: there are mainly four bending machine, plate cutting machine, bending machine and punch press.

Welding equipment: mainly for welding machine and argon arc welding machine.

Cutting equipment: grinding wheel cutting machine, air plasma cutting machine, and angle grinder.

Other equipment: there are air compressors, wheel machines, and some spray painting equipment.

3. is there a requirement for the size of the roll circle for sheet metal processing? Sheet metal drawing, is it sheet metal processing?

Sheet metal processing is not required for the size of the reel because it is used to perform the work of reel according to the requirements of customers or drawings. As for sheet metal drawing, it belongs to sheet metal processing, and it is also certain and certain. It is a kind of surface wire drawing for sheet metal processing.

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