
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 无锡地区方管价格延续盘整贸易商少量进货 发布时间:(2018/10/11)


无锡方管市场价格持稳观望。市场方面,今日期盘走势先跌后涨,调整节奏较快,不过主力上方4080点位仍有压制面临选择方向;现货唐山145mm系列窄带多累降40,河北地 区方管出厂价格政策普遍暂平,个别实际成交有松动,现河北地区4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在4390-4570元之间;无锡地区方管市场价格随行持稳。 成交方面,节日期间贸易商部分轮休值班,市场正式从4号开始陆续上班,不过节日期间整体行情变动不大,回归后首日成交稍有放量,不过贸易商普遍仍以观望为 主,加上部分资源库存指数发布直逼年内高点也使操作心态持续谨慎状态;今日期现行情再现回落,而调整节奏强烈也使操作者心情复杂,十月思涨情绪下厂商价格 或维持休整观望。库存方面,节日期间贸易商少量进货,厂内规格齐全,供应压力暂时不大,近日市场以观望资源轮转情况为主。预计无锡地区方管价格延续盘整。

In the early October 11th, the market price of Wuxi Fang Guan remained stable. On the market side, the trend of the futures market fell first and then rose, adjusting the pace faster, but the main force above the 4080 point still faces the choice of direction of suppression; spot Tangshan 145mm series narrow band more than 40, Hebei Province square tube ex-factory price policy is generally flat, a few actual transactions have been loosened, now Hebei 4 inches (3.75mm) ex-factory price in 43. 90-4570 yuan; the market price of Wuxi square pipe is steady. Traders were on duty during the festival, and the market began to work from the 4th. However, the overall market during the festival did not change much, and the first day after the return was slightly more confident. However, most traders were still on the wait-and-see side, and part of the resource inventory index was issued directly to the year's high point, which kept the operation mentality going. Caution: Today's current situation has fallen again, and the strong pace of adjustment has also complicated the mood of operators, manufacturers in October sentiment or to maintain a rest wait-and-see mood. Inventory, during the festival traders a small amount of stock, factory specifications, supply pressure temporarily small, the recent market to wait and see the rotation of resources mainly. It is estimated that the price of Wuxi square tube will continue to consolidate.


In terms of raw materials, the mainstream price of billets in the upper reaches of early morning trading is flat, and now the mainstream of Tangshan billets is 3900; Tangshan Ruifeng 355mm series strips are quoted 4130, down 10 yuan from the mainstream price yesterday.


Price: Local Hengshui Jinghua 1.5 inch (3.25 mm) square tube mainstream quotation 4880 yuan (tonnage, the same below), 4 inch (3.5 mm) square tube mainstream quotation 4690 yuan, 6 inch (4 mm) square tube mainstream quotation 4780 yuan.

无锡鑫盛源钢管有限公司专业生产:方管,矩形管,焊管等一系列高频焊管产品,方管规格:40~200之间任意变形,矩形管规格:50~200之间任意变形,圆管规格:50~200之间任意变形.方管按生产标准分:国标方管,日标方管,英制方管,美标方管,欧标方管,非标方管等.方管价格,矩形管价格,焊管价格.方管行情,矩形管行情,焊管行情.行业资讯 版权所有@转载请注明:http://www.wxxsygg.com/quotation.asp?id=2017
相关阅读:10月11日无锡市场方管价格行情持稳观望 | 10月10日无锡市场焊管价格行情 | 全国4寸(3.75)国标焊管平均价格为4648元
本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:1330 
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