
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 方管需求较稳定以及低库存对市场价格形成支撑 发布时间:(2018/11/12)


方管需求较稳定以及低库存对市场价格形成支撑,减缓了淡季价格下跌的速度。据兰格钢铁网9日统计数据显示,沧州方管市场库存总量为6.16万吨,比 上周减少0.02万吨。目前的市场库存仍处低位,而市场库存仍在下降,市场缺货现象较普遍,商家库存压力小。因此,虽然在环保不如预期的影响下市场心态普 遍较悲观,但较稳定的需求和低库存对目前的天津建筑钢材市场价格仍形成支撑,减缓了本周价格下跌的速度。

Demand stability and low inventory support for market prices slowed down the price decline in the off-season. According to the statistics of Langer Iron and Steel Network on the 9th, the total inventory of Cangzhou Fangguan market is 61.6 million tons, which is 0.02 million tons less than last week. At present, the market inventory is still at a low level, while the market inventory is still declining, the phenomenon of market shortage is more common, and the pressure of merchants'inventory is low. Therefore, although the market mentality is generally pessimistic under the influence of less than expected environmental protection, stable demand and low inventory still support the current price of Tianjin construction steel market, slowing down the rate of price decline this week.

环保限产不如预期,市场信心受影响。进入11月,多地环保限产政策已经陆续出台。汾渭平原、天津市、山东省秋冬季大气污染防治行动计划相继出炉。 11月3日,《唐山市2018-2019秋冬季钢铁行业错峰生产方案》经市政府15届17次常务会议审议通过,要求各地认真执行。从上述出台的环保限产政 策可以看出,今年对于限产的规定比较灵活,环保标准(空气质量)成为地方限产的最重要标准。因为环保限产政策没有之前预期的比例大,导致现货市场信心出现 了一定程度的影响,从而导致本周沧州方管市场价格出现了下跌。综上所述预计下周沧州方管市场价格小幅下跌后平稳运行。

Environmental protection is less than expected, and market confidence is affected. In November, many policies on environmental protection and limited production have been introduced. The air pollution prevention and control action plan for Fenwei plain, Tianjin and Shandong provinces has been released in autumn and winter. On November 3, the "Tangshan City Autumn and Winter 2018-2019 Iron and Steel Industry staggered peak production program" was deliberated and approved by the 17th executive meeting of the 15th session of the Municipal Government, which calls for careful implementation by all localities. From the above policies, we can see that this year's regulations on production restriction are flexible, and environmental standards (air quality) have become the most important local standards for production restriction. Because the environmental policy of production restriction is not as large as previously expected, leading to a certain degree of impact on spot market confidence, leading to this week's Cangzhou Fangguan market prices fell. To sum up, the price of Cangzhou Fang Guan market is expected to run smoothly after next week.

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本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:1491 
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