
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 随着期货大幅回调方管稳中偏强 发布时间:(2019/2/6)


With the sharp pullback of futures, the steel price will rise to a certain extent. In addition, the supply pressure is increased due to the arrival of market resources, and demand, especially manufacturing industry, is still cold. The steel price will not rise smoothly. Later, there will inevitably be shocks and fluctuations, but the stage will continue to be stable, moderate and strong. Square tube factory 由于中国经济增速放缓方管厂,单位中国生产总值钢材消费强度下降下调为主,2016年中国钢材需求下降是必然趋势。中国钢铁工业协会根据粗钢消费强度分析法和下游行业分析法进行综合分析方管厂,预期2016年粗钢消费量同比下降4.0%-5.0%。而从近期市场表现来看方管厂,经过前期暴涨暴跌洗礼资源储量方管厂,钢铁市场逐渐回归理性方管厂,市场成交表现一般。最近市场供需矛盾依然存在龙头企业,前期报价上涨中需求提前释放,导致在小幅回调过程中需求短期疲软,而一季度的大幅上涨提前透支二季度上拉空间方管厂,预期二季度中国钢铁市场将面临较大回调压力。
Due to the slowdown of China's economic growth, steel consumption per unit of China's gross domestic product (GDP) decreased mainly, and the decline in China's steel demand in 2016 is an inevitable trend. According to the crude steel consumption intensity analysis method and the downstream industry analysis method, China Iron and Steel Industry Association carries out a comprehensive analysis of square pipe mills. It is expected that crude steel consumption will decrease by 4.0% - 5.0% in 2016 compared with the same period last year. From the recent market performance, the steel market gradually returns to the rational square management plant after the sharp rise and fall of baptism resources reserves in the early stage, and the market turnover performance is general. Recently, the contradiction between supply and demand in the market still exists among leading enterprises. Demand released ahead of time in the advance quotation increase, resulting in short-term weak demand in the process of small-scale callback, while a sharp rise in the first quarter overdraws the square pipe plant in the second quarter. It is expected that the Chinese steel market will face greater callback pressure in the second quarter.

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