
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 最近几天郑州市场方管价格将稳中有涨的趋势 发布时间:(2019/2/25)


今日唐山钢坯累涨30元,现报价3410元。政府方面已加大力度控制钢铁产能,投资者仍担忧需求走软,市场情绪悲观。近期方管冬储陆续进行,钢厂 出台冬储政策,但多后期价格议价空间有限。贸易商方面,很多人汲取去年亏损的教训,今年多地贸易商不愿意建立更多的冬储库存,库存量跟平时不相上下,因此 下游市场纷纷处于观望状态,备货意愿不强。管厂方面,在上周钢厂调价的带动下,本周管厂瑞钢联、美鑫、泰宗都有上调20-50元。郑州市场冬季停工,方管出货量不多,价格方面基本上以稳为主,最近几天郑州市场方管价格将稳中有涨的趋势。
Today Tangshan billet has risen by 30 yuan, and now it is quoted at 3410 yuan. The government has stepped up efforts to control steel production capacity. Investors are still worried about weak demand and pessimistic market sentiment. Recently, square pipe winter storage has been carried out one after another, and steel mills have introduced winter storage policy, but the price negotiation space is limited in many later stages. Traders, many people learn from last year's loss lessons, this year many traders are unwilling to build more winter storage stocks, the stock volume is comparable to normal, so the downstream market has been in a wait-and-see state, the willingness to stock is not strong. Pipe mills, driven by last week's steel mill price adjustment, this week Pipe mills Ruigang Lian, Meixin, Taizong have increased by 20-50 yuan. The Zhengzhou market shuts down in winter, the quantity of square tube shipments is not much, and the price is basically stable. In recent days, the price of square tube in Zhengzhou market will rise steadily. 管坯方面,潍钢报价4230元,鲁丽报价3900元,江鑫报价3850元,天钢热轧报价4000元,连铸报3900元,东方报价4160元,长强4180元。
For billet, Weigang quoted 4230 yuan, Luli quoted 3900 yuan, Jiangxin quoted 3850 yuan, Tiangang hot rolling quoted 4000 yuan, continuous casting quoted 3900 yuan, Dongfang quoted 4160 yuan, Changqiang 4180 yuan.

For the pipe plant, the price of Jinzhengyang hot rolling is 4420 yuan, continuous rolling is 4510 yuan, Jinbaocheng is 4400 yuan, Meixin and Taizong are up 20 yuan, the price of 4400 yuan, Ruihua Iron and Steel Co. is up 50 yuan, the price of 4400 yuan and Panjin is up 4450 yuan. Shenhao 168 below 4430 yuan, 180-219/4470 yuan.

Price: Shandong 108*4.5 quoted 4500 yuan, Shandong 38*2.5 quoted 5150 yuan, Henan 219*8 quoted 4750 yuan, Baotou Steel 377*10 quoted 5620 yuan.

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