
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 临沂本地管厂对方管出厂价格作出调整 发布时间:(2019/2/25)


临沂市场方管价格小幅上调50,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(HX)及唐山本地钢厂普碳方坯稳报3380元/吨,含税出厂;管坯稳中下调,其中无锡的长强、淮钢、中天等报4090-4210元/吨,跌10;临沂天钢现 20#管坯报4080元,持稳;鲁丽报4010元,持稳。市场面,价格面,临沂本地管厂对方管出厂价格作出调整,上调50元,涨后库存下降放缓,但实际 成交价格有所抬升,现在108*4.5主流规格报4500元。心态面,据本地管厂反馈,目前原料管坯吃紧,厂家生产量也在缩减,因此厂商都有上调的意愿, 部分商户仍在观望。后市来说,暂谨慎乐观为主,灵活控制仓位。因此预计临沂无缝市价或将继续偏强。
Linyi market price slightly increased by 50 square tube, general turnover. At the opening of today's market, raw materials, HX and Tangshan local steel plant carbon billet stable report 3380 yuan/ton, including tax out of the factory; tube billet stable downward, including Wuxi Changqiang, Huaihua Iron and Steel, Zhongtian and other reported 4090-4210 yuan/ton, down 10; Linyi Tiangang now 20 # tube billet reported 4080 yuan, stable; Luli reported 4010 yuan, stable. In terms of market and price, Linyi local pipe factory adjusted the ex-factory price of each other's pipe by raising 50 yuan. After the increase, the stock decline slowed down, but the actual transaction price increased. Now the main specification of 108*4.5 is 4500 yuan. Psychological aspect, according to feedback from local management plant, at present, raw material pipe blanks are tight, manufacturers'production is also shrinking, so manufacturers have the willingness to increase, some businesses are still waiting. For the future market, we should be cautious and optimistic for the time being and control the position flexibly. Therefore, it is expected that Linyi seamless market price will continue to be strong. 价格方面:临沂市场25*3.5临沂方管价格为5200元/吨,108*4.5临沂方管价格为4500元/吨,219*6河南方管价格为4650元/吨。
Price: Linyi market 25*3.5 Linyi Fangguan price is 5200 yuan/ton, 108*4.5 Linyi Fangguan price is 4500 yuan/ton, 219*6 Henan Fangguan price is 4650 yuan/ton.

无锡鑫盛源钢管有限公司专业生产:方管,矩形管,焊管等一系列高频焊管产品,方管规格:40~200之间任意变形,矩形管规格:50~200之间任意变形,圆管规格:50~200之间任意变形.方管按生产标准分:国标方管,日标方管,英制方管,美标方管,欧标方管,非标方管等.方管价格,矩形管价格,焊管价格.方管行情,矩形管行情,焊管行情.行业资讯 版权所有@转载请注明:http://www.wxxsygg.com/quotation.asp?id=2251
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本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:1684 
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