
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 国内方管各地区市场价格稳中有涨稳中趋强 发布时间:(2019/2/25)


国内方管各地区市场价格稳中有涨。山东地区各管厂出厂报价小幅拉涨,拉涨幅度在30-130元。今日天钢热轧管坯执行停产,江鑫1月25日起二号产线将检修7天,后期整个华北华东 地区热轧管坯资源逐渐紧俏,加之钢厂陆续出台冬储政策,钢材冬储陆续进行。短期原料管坯价格稳中趋强。但拉涨时机及下游接受能力差。据和各地贸易商沟通得 知,需求面国内方管市场实际交易量不佳,临近年末,下游逐渐减少拿货量,贸易商拿货积极性不高,对后市保持谨慎态度,认为大跌可能性不大,但上涨空间也 有限,现方管市场阶段比较尴尬。当前情况下,预计近期国内方管市价将稳中趋强运行。
Domestic market prices have risen steadily in all regions under local control. The ex-factory quotations of various pipe factories in Shandong Province increased slightly, with the increase range of 30-130 yuan. Today, Tiangang hot-rolled tube blanks are suspended. Jiangxin No. 2 production line will be repaired for 7 days from January 25. Later, the hot-rolled tube blank resources in the whole eastern part of North China are becoming more and more popular. In addition, the steel mill has issued the winter storage policy, and the steel winter storage will be carried out one after another. Short-term raw material pipe blank price is stable and tends to be strong. However, the timing and downstream acceptance are poor. According to the communication with traders from all over the country, the actual volume of domestic market is not good. At the end of recent years, the downstream gradually reduces the volume of goods taken. Traders are not enthusiastic about taking goods. They are cautious about the future market. They think that the possibility of a big drop is not likely, but there is limited room for growth, and the stage of current market management is more embarrassing. Under the current situation, it is expected that the domestic market price will be stable and strong in the near future. 价格方面,国内方管重点城市,规格108*4.5mm平均价格4980元较昨 日涨10元。原料面今日管坯价格,现江鑫热轧3930元,连铸3750元,东方热轧4160元,鲁丽热轧3930元,天钢热轧4000元,连铸3900 元,潍钢热轧3970元,连铸3810元,淮钢4230元,中天4230元,长强4180元,凌钢4120元。
In terms of price, the average price of 108*4.5mm in key cities under domestic control is 4980 yuan, up 10 yuan from yesterday. Nowadays, the price of tube billet is 3930 yuan for Jiangxin hot rolling, 3750 yuan for continuous casting, 4160 yuan for Oriental hot rolling, 3930 yuan for Luli hot rolling, 4000 yuan for Tiangang hot rolling, 3900 yuan for continuous casting, 3970 yuan for Weigang hot rolling, 3810 yuan for continuous casting, 4230 yuan for Huaihua Steel, 4230 yuan for Zhongtian, 4180 yuan for Changqiang and 4120 yuan for Linggang.

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