
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 预计下周方管市场还将延续窄幅震荡格局 发布时间:(2019/4/12)


本周方管行情回顾:钢坯价格的拉涨以及期螺震荡走高,给市场提供了一定支撑,周初开市,方管价格普遍上涨,交易氛围较浓,整体出货明显好转。此 后,期螺一路保驾护航,价格持续上涨,直到周中,在成交的拖累下,价格开始恢复理性,并将稳健的局面一直延续至后半周。据悉,本周期货强势上行带动现货行 情,在此背景下商家心态得以支撑,现货市场低位成交尚可,但高位偏缓,考虑终端需求释放有限,商家操作整体较为谨慎。
This week's review of the square tube market: the rising billet prices and the concussion of the future snails have provided some support to the market. At the beginning of the week, square tube prices generally rose, the trading atmosphere was strong, and overall shipment improved significantly. Since then, futures have been escorted all the way, prices continue to rise until mid-week, dragged down by the transaction, prices began to restore rationality, and the stable situation has continued until the latter half of the week. It is reported that this week's strong upward futures drive spot market, in this context, business mentality can be supported, low spot market transactions are still acceptable, but the high is slow, considering the limited release of terminal demand, business operations as a whole are more cautious. 钢厂方面,唐山地区再次发布新的限产规定,根据政府环保停产通知决定,4月、8月、9月,每月生产15天,限产仍在持续。
As for steel mills, Tangshan District issued new production restrictions again. According to the government's notice of environmental protection shutdown, production restrictions continued in April, August and September for 15 days a month.

Generally speaking, although the demand side is general, the futures market is strong and the steel billet is supportive. In addition, the Fengrun District Rolling Mill has begun to implement the policy of staggered peak production limit. The stock pressure is not big and the basic level is still acceptable. It is expected that the local local tube market will continue to have a narrow fluctuation pattern next week. In the absence of major news stimulation, it is not easy for the market price to rise or fall in the short term.

4月8日天津:仁翼5#角4190,唐工20#4170,唐槽20#4140,津西300×300H3980,累涨10-20;普碳圆钢Q235 凌钢20-25mm4060,Q235石横12-14mm4500累涨40-200;12日天津:仁翼5#角4170,唐工20#4190,唐槽 20#4170,津西300×300H3980,暂稳;普碳圆钢Q235凌钢20-25mm4100,Q235石横12-14mm4400,暂稳。
April 8 Tianjin Tianjin: Renyi 5:4190, Tanggong 20:4170, Tanggong 20:4140, Tangchu 20:4140, Jinxi 300*300H3980, cumulative increase of 10-20; Pucarbon steel Q235 Lingsteel 20-25mm4060, Q235 Shisheshe12-14mm4500 cumcumulative increase of 40-200; 12 Tianjin: Renyi 5:4170, Tanggong 20:4190, Tangchu20:4170, Jingong 20:300*300H3940, Jinxi 300*300H3980, temporary stability; Pucarbon steel Q235 steel Q235 Lingsteel Q20-25mm4060, Q235 Lingsteel 20-25mm4060, Q235, Q235 Shihen12-14mm4500 12-14mm25mm 4100, Q235 Shiheng 12-14mm 4400, temporary Steady.

无锡鑫盛源钢管有限公司专业生产:方管,矩形管,焊管等一系列高频焊管产品,方管规格:40~200之间任意变形,矩形管规格:50~200之间任意变形,圆管规格:50~200之间任意变形.方管按生产标准分:国标方管,日标方管,英制方管,美标方管,欧标方管,非标方管等.方管价格,矩形管价格,焊管价格.方管行情,矩形管行情,焊管行情.行业资讯 版权所有@转载请注明:http://www.wxxsygg.com/quotation.asp?id=2384
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本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:925 
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