
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 钣金加工件的应力会受到哪些因素的影响 发布时间:(2018/6/27)






The process of metal cutting is quite complex. It is not only related to many kinds of mechanics, but also to tribology, material and sheet metal processing. In the process of various machining, the residual stress will be formed inside the workpiece, which will affect the workpiece, cause the deformation or fracture of the workpiece, and affect the machining quality of the workpiece surface, and even affect the corrosion resistance and strength of the sheet metal.

With the continuous development of technology, the requirement of stress cycling and reliability for sheet metal processing has also increased. In order to prolong the stress cycle of the workpiece, it is necessary to improve the machining quality of the workpiece surface, and the physical and mechanical properties of the machined surface will have a certain influence on the number of stress cycle of the workpiece.

The residual stress formed on the surface during sheet metal processing will lead to the formation of cracks, and will also affect the expansion of cracks, cracks and so on. The residual stress is divided into two kinds of tensile stress and compressive stress. In general, the residual tensile stress will lead to the formation of cracks on the machined surface, and the other expansion will affect the fatigue strength. On the contrary, the residual compressive stress will improve the fatigue life of the workpiece, and help to counteract partial tensile stress and slow the expansion of fatigue crack.

The effect of residual stress on the stress cycle number of the workpiece is very complex, which is closely related to the elastic, external stress and the use environment of the workpiece material, and it is also related to the strength and distribution of the surface residual stress. The cause of residual stress in sheet metal processing is very complicated, including sheet metal processing technology, working characteristics, tool geometry and so on.

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