
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 螺旋鳍片管和螺旋翅片管什么区别 发布时间:(2018/9/12)



The term for the two products is different in the knowledge industry. It is said that the fin tube may be a person who has been engaged in the industry for a long time. The substance and structure are not very different. Ordinary steel is welded on seamless steel pipe. It is generally believed that the fin height in the spiral fin tube is higher than that in the spiral fin tube (this is not the main factor, fin height can be customized according to customer requirements). However, the spiral finned tube relative to the spiral finned tube for the use of the harsh environment, the welding process is relatively rigorous. That said, it is only a new product of integral steel spiral finned tube we have not yet known or seen, the current market is basically understood as a product, but the need for employees to know it, easy to serve customers.


What is the difference between spiral finned tube and spiral finned tube?


The main function of finned tube and finned tube is to increase heating surface (or heat dissipation) and improve heat transfer efficiency.



Difference between welding strength and stability

1.1 拉脱力试验: 大于200MPa 或者钢管部分撕裂

1.1 pull-out test: greater than 200MPa or partial tear of steel pipe.

1.2焊缝宽度: 大于翅片厚度 即焊着率>99%1.3焊接强度稳定性: 每班首件做焊接试样 达到2.1 或者2.2的要求

1.2 Weld Width: Thicker than Fin, i.e. Welding Rate > 99% 1.3 Welding Strength Stability: The first part of each shift to do welding specimens to meet the requirements of 2.1 or 2.2

1.4 焊缝抗弯曲试验: 翅片左右弯曲20度 向左向右弯曲两次 焊缝无裂纹

1.4 weld bending test: fins bending about 20 degrees to left to right bend two times weld without crack.

1.5 锤击试验: 平行于钢管敲击翅片上部 直到翅片脱落 翅片本身不得断裂

1.5 hammer test: parallel to the top of the steel pipe beating the fins until the fins are detached, and the fins themselves must not be broken.

1.6 如果试验失败 必须启用退火功能

1.6 if the test fails, the annealing function must be enabled.


Heat affected zone difference


Measurement with microscope and micro hardness tester


The depth of heat affected zone of steel tube is less than 0.5mm


Product size accuracy difference

3.1 翅片段全长 -1mm ~ +1mm 分段运动精度 -0.5mm ~ +0.5mm

3.1 wing segment full-length -1mm ~ +1mm segmented motion accuracy -0.5mm ~ +0.5mm

3.2 片距 -0.2mm ~ +0.2mm

3.2 slice distance -0.2mm ~ +0.2mm

3.3 翅片和钢管垂直度 -1度 ~ +1度

3.3 fin and steel tube perpendicularity -1 ~ +1 degrees

3.4 同组对焊翅片平面度 -0.2mm ~ +0.2mm翅片本身厚度公差引起的高度差除外

3.4 the same group of welding fins flatness -0.2mm ~ +0.2mm fin thickness tolerance caused by height difference except.

3.5 同组对焊翅片高度差 -0.2mm ~ +0.2mm 翅片本身尺寸公差引起的高度差除外

3.5 the height difference of the welding fin is the same as that of the -0.2mm group, except for the height difference caused by the size tolerance of the fin +0.2mm.

3.6 双管中心距离公差 -0.5mm ~ +0.5mm

3.6 double center distance tolerance -0.5mm ~ +0.5mm

3.7在同样钢管材料, 同样片距和片数条件下, 不同翅片管焊接后长度变化一致

3.7 under the same steel tube material, the length of the finned tubes will be changed after welding with the same chip spacing and number of sheets.


Difference of welding speed

基管外径25~51 翅片厚度2mm 每对焊接时间小于3秒 (不包括上下料时间和退火时间)

Welding time of each pair of fins with 25-51 outer diameter and 2 mm thickness is less than 3 seconds (excluding loading and unloading time and annealing time)

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