18日国内焊管价格普稳为主。今日期盘震荡下行,市场谨慎观望,悲观情绪再次蔓延。受期盘影响,现货成交萎靡,原料355系列带钢小幅下调,而津冀地区主流管厂出厂报价 持稳为主,但不乏有暗降的情况,现河北主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价仍在4390-4610元之间。市场方面,今日各地区焊管报价仍以稳为 主,但据贸易商反馈,从昨日开始市场便有小幅暗降走货的情况,自进入中旬以来就成交不畅,目前贸易商普遍采取降库存操作,库存较前期有所降低。综上而言, 短期国内焊管价格或震荡趋弱运行。
18, the domestic welded pipe prices are mainly stable. Today's market shocks, the market cautious wait and see, pessimism spread again. Affected by the futures, the spot transaction is sluggish, raw material 355 series of strip steel slightly downward, and Tianjin-Hebei region mainstream pipe factory factory ex-factory quotation is stable mainly, but there is no lack of hidden drop, Hebei mainstream pipe factory ex-factory quotation of 4 inches (3.75 mm) is still between 4390-4610 yuan. On the market side, today's welded pipe quotations in various regions are still stable, but according to TRADERS'feedback, there has been a slight drop in the market since yesterday, since entering the middle of the transaction has not been smooth, traders generally take inventory reduction operations, inventory has been lower than the previous period. To sum up, short term domestic welded pipe prices or shocks are weakening.
价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4656元,各中心城市均与昨 日价格持平。
Price: The average price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) welded pipe in key cities in China is 4,656 yuan, and the prices in all central cities are on the same level as yesterday. 标签:
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