10月23日方管价格继续报稳为主。今日期盘高位震荡盘整,尾盘小幅下行,整个钢市观望情绪依然较浓。今日,原料带钢价格暂未调整,钢厂 正常生产,而津冀地区管厂出厂报价也继续报稳,现河北主流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价仍在4390-4610元之间。市场方面,今日大部分地区 方管价格稳定,社会库存偏低整体仍以出货为主。目前,焊镀管市场持续疲态,若无重大利空或利好消息的出现,短期现状仍将持续价格也将窄幅调整为主。
In October 23rd, the price of Fang Guan continued to be stable. Today's market high volatility consolidation, tail slightly down, the whole steel city wait-and-see sentiment is still thicker. Today, the raw material strip price has not been adjusted, the normal production of steel mills, and the Tianjin-Hebei area pipe factory factory ex-factory quotation also continues to stabilize, Hebei mainstream pipe factory ex-factory quotation of 4 inches (3.75 mm) is still between 4390-4610 yuan. On the market side, the square tube prices are stable in most areas today, and the overall low social inventory is still dominated by shipments. At present, the welded pipe market continues to be weak, if there is no major negative or good news, the short-term status quo will continue, the price will also be narrow-based adjustment.
价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4662元,各中心城市除 成都上涨20元外,其他中心城市报价暂与昨日持平。
Price: The average price of a 4-inch (3.75 mm) square pipe in a key city in China is 4662 yuan. Except for a 20-yuan rise in Chengdu, the quotations of other central cities are flat for the time being. 标签:
| 本周上海市场焊管主流报价4寸主流持平 | 本周(10.15-10.19)国内焊管价格小幅趋弱