
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 11月29日国内方管价格继续追跌操作谨慎为主 发布时间:(2018/11/29)


11月29日国内焊镀管价格继续追跌。今日随着期盘明显拉涨,现货型钢价格最先出现反弹上涨20-30元不等,其他品种紧跟其后,午后河北地区焊镀管价格出现大幅回涨,幅度在 50-130元不等,个别管厂反应出现抢货情况,现河北主流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在3530-3940元之间。下游各市场报价仍以追跌为 主,个别贸易商出手拿货,但操作依然谨慎。经过前期的大幅下跌,目前应是暴跌后的超跌反弹,暂没有其他利好消息,也不排除个别商家趁反弹出货的可能。短期 来看,即将进入12月份,终端用管需求将继续萎缩,暂不具备大幅反弹的条件,笔者建议大家操作谨慎为主,明日价格或窄幅调整。

On November 29, the domestic price of welded and plated pipes continued to fall. Today, with the sharp rise in the futures market, spot section steel prices rebounded by 20-30 yuan at first, followed by other varieties, welded and plated pipe prices in Hebei region in the afternoon rose sharply, ranging from 50-130 yuan. Some pipe factories responded to the situation of rush for goods. The current 4-inch (3.75 mm) ex-factory quotation of Hebei mainstream pipe factory is 3530-130 yuan. 3940 yuan. The downstream market quotations are still dominated by catch-up declines. Individual traders are still cautious in handling the goods. After a sharp fall in the previous period, it should be a rebound after a sharp fall. There is no other good news for the time being, nor does it exclude the possibility of individual merchants taking advantage of the rebound in shipment. In the short term, the demand for terminal tubes will continue to shrink in the coming December, and there is no condition for a sharp rebound. The author suggests that we should be cautious in our operation and adjust the price tomorrow or narrowly.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4099元,比昨日价格降 68元,其中中心城市唐山回涨60元、无锡下调150元、北京降50元、西安降100元、沈阳降100元、上海降150元、济南降150元、成都降40 元。

Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4099 yuan, 68 yuan lower than yesterday's price. Among them, the central city of Tangshan is up 60 yuan, Wuxi is down 150 yuan, Beijing is down 50 yuan, Xi'an is down 100 yuan, Shenyang is down 100 yuan, Shanghai is down 150 yuan, Jinan is down 150 yuan, Chengdu is down 40 yuan.

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