
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 预计明日国内方管价格或将弱稳 发布时间:(2018/12/11)


今日早盘,国内方管主导价格续降。今日期货震荡反弹幅度不高,关注3280点位支撑;河北地区管厂各品种管出厂随上游陆续再下调30-70,架子管调整幅度偏大,现方管4寸(3.75mm)出 厂报价在3750-4140元之间,唐山当地方管市场价4寸3730,交投受雪天影响,而近午上游带钢表现好转部分回涨40元。市场方面,北方部分商户淡 季效应下价格继续下探,华东、华南等地区价格多稳有快速跟降30左右,市场稳中走量为多,冬储意愿低。不过唐山市钢企将继续落实秋冬季错峰限产,近日天然 气价格上涨增加钢厂挺价意愿,管厂商短期涨跌均受限制。预计明日国内方管价格或将弱稳。 价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4206,较昨降7元。

In the morning market today, the leading domestic price continued to fall. Futures rebound today is not high, pay attention to 3280 point support; Hebei pipe factory varieties with the upstream down 30-70, shelf tube adjustment range is larger, the current square tube 4 inch (3.75 mm) ex-factory quotation is between 3750-4140 yuan, Tangshan local pipe market price 4 inch 3730, trading affected by snow, and near noon upstream. Strip steel performance improved, part of the increase of 40 yuan. On the market side, under the off-season effect of some northern merchants, prices continue to decline. In East and South China, prices have been steadily falling by about 30 percent, the market has been steadily moving more, and the willingness to store in winter is low. However, Tangshan steel enterprises will continue to implement staggered peak production limits in autumn and winter. The recent rise in natural gas prices has increased the willingness of steel mills to bid, and the short-term rise and fall of pipe manufacturers are limited. Domestic prices are expected to be weak and stable tomorrow. Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4206, down 7 yuan from yesterday.

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