
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 1月11日国内焊管价格稳中整体上调 发布时间:(2019/1/11)


1月11日国内焊管价格稳中上调。今日,瑞丰355系列带钢价格3600上涨40元,带动 津冀地区主流管厂出厂价整体上调,现河北主流焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在3850-4280元之间,比昨日普遍上调40元,受涨价带动成交较昨日 有所好转,下游适量拿货。市场方面,由于价格持续拉涨,目前冬储依然消极,贸易商多择机少量冬储。另外社会库存持续偏低,普遍保持在正常库存的50%左 右。由此来看原料及库存继续支撑焊镀管价格,短期或继续坚挺运行。

Domestic welded pipe prices rose steadily and moderately on January 11. Today, the price of Ruifeng 355 series strip steel has risen by 40 yuan, which has led to an overall increase in the ex-factory price of mainstream pipe plants in Tianjin and Hebei. Now the ex-factory price of Hebei mainstream welded pipe 4 inches (3.75mm) is between 3850 and 4280 yuan, which is 40 yuan higher than that of yesterday. Transactions driven by the price increase are better than yesterday, and the downstream is getting the right amount of goods. On the market side, as prices continue to rise, the current winter storage is still negative, traders prefer to choose a small amount of winter storage opportunities. In addition, social stocks remain low, generally at about 50% of normal stocks. From this point of view, raw materials and inventory continue to support the price of welded pipes, short-term or continue to run strong.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4174元,比昨日价格上涨3 元,其中中心城市唐山上调40元、天津上调20元、沈阳降30元,其他中心城市报价暂与昨日持平。

Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75mm) welded pipe in key cities in China is 414 yuan, which is 3 yuan higher than yesterday's price. Among them, the price of Tangshan, Tianjin and Shenyang are 40 yuan higher, 20 yuan higher and 30 yuan lower, while the price of other central cities is still the same as yesterday's.

相关阅读:1月11日无锡焊管最新价格行情继续坚挺运行 | 无锡方管市场价格盘整观望变动不大 | 1月11日无锡方管市场价格延续区间整理
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