
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 国内市场提振有限方管价格或趋稳运行 发布时间:(2019/1/23)


国内方管价格继续报稳。今日原料钢坯实现三连涨,带动现货市场做多热情,唐山小窄带上涨10-30元不等,市场成交出现好转,带动焊镀管管厂报价继续坚挺,小量走 货。不过午后期盘震荡下行,市场操作情绪观望,现河北主流方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在3820-4240元之间。目前各管厂陆续停产检修,价格只 是随行就市而已,成交偏弱。下游市场,本周将是下游贸易商集中离市的一周,价格变化对市场来说已无实际意义。今日唐山再传重污染天气应急响应的通知,但对 市场提振有限方管价格或趋稳运行。

Domestic prices continue to be stable. Today, raw steel billets have risen three times in a row, which has driven the spot market to be more enthusiastic. Tangshan narrow band has risen by 10-30 yuan, and the market turnover has improved, which has led to the price of welded and plated pipe factory to continue to be firm and small quantities of goods to be sold. However, in the late afternoon market turbulence downward, market sentiment wait-and-see, now Hebei mainstream square tube 4 inches (3.75 mm) ex-factory quotation is between 3820-4240 yuan. At present, the production and maintenance of various pipeline plants have been discontinued, the price is just on the market, the transaction is weak. Downstream market, this week will be a week for downstream traders to concentrate on leaving the market, price changes have no practical significance for the market. Today Tangshan re-transmits the notice of emergency response to heavy pollution weather, but the market boost is limited, and the price of welded and plated pipes will be stable tomorrow.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4174元,各中心城市价格均 与昨日持平。

Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 414 yuan, and the prices in all central cities are the same as yesterday.

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本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:1634 
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