
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 短期管厂商信心略显不足价格偏弱为主 发布时间:(2019/2/19)


国内方管价格稳中偏弱。期螺今日3630-3660点震荡选择方向,现货原料钢坯预降30左右,河北主导管厂焊镀管出厂报价陆续下调 20-30,现方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在3830-4300之间,当地市场价3830元;成交情况一般。市场方面,华东、华南贸易商陆续到市安 排供需,报价逐渐贴近正轨行情,部分要到正月十五至二十左右正式开工,同时需求也处于真空期尚未完全释放,中小户跟随管厂资源政策走量1-2车。短期管厂商信心略显不足价格偏弱为主。
Domestic prices are stable and weak. Futures snail chooses the direction of 3630-3660 shocks today. The spot raw material billet is reduced by about 30. The ex-factory quotation of welded and plated pipes in Hebei main pipe factory has been reduced by 20-30. The ex-factory quotation of square pipes is between 3830-4300, and the local market price is 3830 yuan. On the market side, East and South China traders have come to the city to arrange supply and demand one after another, and their quotations are gradually close to the normal market. Some of them will start construction formally from January 15 to 20. At the same time, the demand is still in a vacuum period and has not been fully released. Small and medium-sized households follow the policy of managing plant resources by 1-2 vehicles. Short-term managers'confidence is slightly insufficient and the price is mainly weak. 价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4190元,其中唐山降20,广州、武 汉各降30元,其他中心城市价格与前持平。
Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4190 yuan, including 20 yuan in Tangshan, 30 yuan in Guangzhou and 30 yuan in Wuhan, and the prices in other central cities are the same as before.

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