早盘期螺偏强震荡,迁安钢坯资源涨20元至3420元含税出厂,受钢坯拉涨影响,唐山小窄带开盘涨30元至3660元含税出厂,唐山瑞丰355系 列带钢出厂价报3600元与昨日持平,临近午盘唐山小窄带出厂价格降20元至3640元;当前经济下行压力仍存,政府通过增加信贷支持、下调存款准备金率 及公开市场操作等多种政策手段确保市场流动性充裕,对整个商品市场有一定的支撑效果。但国内钢材市场钢材库存正逐步累积,社会库存和钢厂库存均明显增加, 另下游需求并未明显启动,预计短期无锡焊管、镀锌管市场价格震荡调整。 In the early trading period, the snail shook strongly, and the billet resources in Qian'an increased by 20 yuan to 3420 yuan including tax. Affected by billet rising, the opening price of small narrow band in Tangshan rose by 30 yuan to 3660 yuan including tax. The ex-factory price of Ruifeng 355 series of strip in Tangshan was equal to that of yesterday, and the ex-factory price of small narrow band in Tangshan fell by 20 yuan to 3640 yuan near noon. Reducing the reserve requirement ratio and open market operation and other policy measures to ensure adequate market liquidity have a certain supporting effect on the whole commodity market. However, steel stocks in the domestic steel market are gradually accumulating, social stocks and steel factory stocks have increased significantly, and the downstream demand has not started significantly. It is expected that the short-term price fluctuation of Wuhan welded pipe and galvanized pipe market will be adjusted. 价格方面:截至发稿,武汉现本地友发新国标产4寸(3.75mm)价格4960元,天虹(正大)产4寸(3.75mm)价格为4920元,君诚产4寸(3.75mm)价格4920元。 Price: Up to submission, the current local Youfa New National Standard 4 inches (3.75 mm) price of 4,960 yuan, Tianhong (Zhengda) 4 inches (3.75 mm) price of 4,920 yuan, Juncheng 4 inches (3.75 mm) price of 4,920 yuan.
| 2月20日国内方管价格继续调整贸易商拿货谨慎 | 2月20日无锡市场方矩管价格行情继续震荡为主