
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 16日国内焊管价格普遍趋稳短期窄幅调整或有可能 发布时间:(2018/8/16)


16日国内焊管价格普遍趋稳。大涨过后,市场疲态尽现,整体走货较弱,但挺价意愿依然较强。焊管方面,目前河北地区主流管厂焊管4寸 (3.75mm)出厂报价仍在4440-4550元之间,普遍报稳,个别管厂实际成交有20-30元的优惠空间,但成交依然有限。下游市场,总的来看,经 过一段时间的大幅上涨以后,市场接受程度不断下降,加上终端需求释放缓慢,总体流通情况不佳。但从笔者了解的情况来看,目前上游原料依然紧缺,个别管厂出 现规格缺货的情况,另外管厂以及下游社会库存普遍不大,对价格仍形成有利支撑,因此短期大跌的可能性依然很小,但连续的上涨让市场没有喘息的机会,盼降情绪越来越浓,短期窄幅调整或有可能。
16, the domestic welded pipe prices generally stabilized. After the rally, the market was exhausted, but the overall price remained weak. Welded pipes, Hebei mainstream pipe factory welded pipe 4 inch (3.75 mm) factory price is still between 4440-4550 yuan, generally stable, individual pipe factory actual transaction has 20-30 yuan preferential space, but the transaction is still limited.  Overall, downstream markets, after a period of sharp rise, market acceptance continues to decline, coupled with the slow release of terminal demand, the overall circulation situation is poor. However, from what I understand, the upstream raw materials are still in short supply, and some pipe mills are out of stock. In addition, the stock of pipe mills and downstream society is generally small, which still forms a favorable support for prices. Therefore, the possibility of a short-term collapse is still very small, but the continuous rise of the market has no breathing opportunities, looking forward to decline. The mood is becoming stronger and stronger. Short term adjustment may be possible.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4593元,中心城市除广州上 涨40元外,其他中心城市暂与昨日持平。
Price: The average price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) welded pipe in key cities in China is 4593 yuan. Apart from the 40 yuan increase in Guangzhou, the other central cities are temporarily at the same level as yesterday.

无锡鑫盛源钢管有限公司专业生产:方管,矩形管,焊管等一系列高频焊管产品,方管规格:40~200之间任意变形,矩形管规格:50~200之间任意变形,圆管规格:50~200之间任意变形.方管按生产标准分:国标方管,日标方管,英制方管,美标方管,欧标方管,非标方管等.方管价格,矩形管价格,焊管价格.方管行情,矩形管行情,焊管行情.行业资讯 版权所有@转载请注明:http://www.wxxsygg.com/quotation.asp?id=1919
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本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:1117 
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