
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 短期国内方管市价稳中趋强运行属于正常现象 发布时间:(2019/2/23)


国内方管各地区市场价格稳中有涨。前期市场价格出现上涨,主要是受铁矿石期货价格涨停因素的影响,而且各钢厂及管坯厂出厂价格也出现了上调,管厂盘整跟涨,陆续烘炉出管。部分城市 现货价格小幅上涨。但近几日期货价格有所回调属于正常现象,是对之前上涨价格的修正,昌黎部分方坯资源含税出厂3440元小涨10元。综合来看,初七至初 十各地钢贸陆续开业,主要受上游影响跟涨。由于仍处于需求淡季,后期钢市需要注意观察的是下游采购需求启动的速度,不过今年开工可能比前两年有所提前,去 年年底基建投资逐渐加快,在需求层面有支撑。预计短期国内方管市价将继续稳中趋强运行。
Domestic market prices have risen steadily in all regions under local control. Prices of iron ore futures rose in the early stage, mainly due to the influence of factors such as price fluctuation of iron ore futures, and the ex-factory prices of steel mills and billet mills also increased, with the consolidation of pipe mills rising, and tube drying out one after another. Spot prices rose slightly in some cities. But in recent days, the price of goods has been reversed, which is a normal phenomenon. It is a revision of the previous rising price. Some billet resources in Changli have increased by 10 yuan with a tax of 3440 yuan. Generally speaking, the steel trade started in succession from Junior 7 to Junior 10, mainly affected by the upstream. As demand is still in the off-season, the steel market in the later period should pay attention to the starting speed of downstream purchasing demand, but this year may start earlier than the previous two years. At the end of last year, investment in infrastructure gradually accelerated, and there is support at the demand level. It is expected that the short-term domestic market price will continue to run steadily, moderately and strongly. 价格方面,国内方管重点城市,规格108*4.5mm平均价格5046元,较 昨日上涨5元。今日管坯价格暂稳,现江鑫热轧4100元,连铸4000元,东方热轧4250元,鲁丽热轧4080元,天钢热轧暂未排产,连铸4000元, 潍钢热轧4070元,连铸3910元,淮钢4380元,中天4360元,长强4310元,凌钢4190元。今日山东个管厂出厂价报稳,现金宝诚4610 元,金正阳4620,瑞钢联4600,美鑫4610,泰宗4650。
In terms of price, the average price of 108*4.5mm in key cities under domestic control is 5046 yuan, up 5 yuan from yesterday. Today, the price of tube billet is stable. Jiangxin hot rolling is 4100 yuan, continuous casting is 4000 yuan, Dongfang hot rolling is 4250 yuan, Luli hot rolling is 4080 yuan, Tiangang hot rolling is not scheduled yet, continuous casting is 4000 yuan, Weigang hot rolling is 4070 yuan, continuous casting is 3910 yuan, Huaihua steel is 4380 yuan, Zhongtian 4360 yuan, Changqiang 4310 yuan, Linggang 4190 yuan. Today, the ex-factory price of Shandong Pipe Factory is stable, cash Baocheng 4610 yuan, Jin Zhengyang 4620, Ruigang Lianhe 4600, Meixin 4610, Taizong 4650.


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