
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 明日国内焊管价格或继续坚挺为主 发布时间:(2018/10/16)


国内焊管价格稳中探涨。周初开市,原料钢坯价格盘中小幅上调,虽然调整幅度不大,但给钢市传递信心,整体成交有所放量。焊管方面,原料355系列带钢上调20元,河北地区大部分管厂报价顺势上涨,现河北主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价仍 在4390-4590元之间,普遍比昨日上涨20元。市场方面,大部分地区焊管报价继续报稳,市场情绪仍偏观望,少量补库为主。个别地区竞争压力下价格再 次下跌,成交一般。目前尚无重大利好或利空消息出现,整体仍较谨慎。总的来看,市场价格在期盘以及原料震荡拉涨的带动下谨慎上行,明日国内焊管价格或继续坚挺为主。

Domestic welded pipe prices are stable. At the beginning of the week, raw material billet prices rose slightly, although the adjustment is not large, but to the steel market to pass confidence, the overall turnover volume. Welded pipe, raw material 355 series of strip steel increased by 20 yuan, Hebei Province, most of the pipe factory quoted upward trend, Hebei mainstream pipe factory welded pipe 4 inch (3.75 mm) factory price is still between 4390-4590 yuan, generally 20 yuan higher than yesterday. On the market side, most of the welded pipe quotations continue to be stable, market sentiment is still on the sidelines, a small amount of replenishment mainly. Prices fell again in some areas under the pressure of competition. There are no major positive or bad news yet, and the whole is still more cautious. Overall, market prices in futures and raw material shocks led by cautious upward, tomorrow domestic welded pipe prices or continue to strengthen the main.


价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4650元,比上周五降5元, 其中中心城市除了唐山涨20元、成都降50元外,其他城市报价暂与上周五价格持平。

Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) welded pipe in key cities in China is 4,650 yuan, down 5 yuan from last Friday. Except for 20 yuan in Tangshan and 50 yuan in Chengdu, the price quoted by other cities is temporarily on the same level as last Friday.

无锡鑫盛源钢管有限公司专业生产:方管,矩形管,焊管等一系列高频焊管产品,方管规格:40~200之间任意变形,矩形管规格:50~200之间任意变形,圆管规格:50~200之间任意变形.方管按生产标准分:国标方管,日标方管,英制方管,美标方管,欧标方管,非标方管等.方管价格,矩形管价格,焊管价格.方管行情,矩形管行情,焊管行情.行业资讯 版权所有@转载请注明:http://www.wxxsygg.com/quotation.asp?id=2028
相关阅读:10月16日无锡市场焊管价格行情继续坚挺为主 | 市场方面预计无锡地区方管价格或将偏强 | 10月16日无锡市场方管价格行情暂未调整
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