
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 预计短期本地管厂方管价格仍将延续震荡盘整格局 发布时间:(2018/10/29)


本周(10.22-10.26),无锡方管、镀锌管市场价格窄幅震荡,整体成交量较上周所差无几。周初,随着上周末原料成本端的震荡回调,加之管 厂整体出货表现平平,本地主流管厂方管价格小幅下调。从市场上了解到,随着成本端价格的频繁波动,市场中观望情绪浓厚,商家补货操作较为谨慎。周中至周后 期,随着原料价格的小幅上调,本地方管、镀锌管市场价格也随之窄幅波动。

This week (10.22-10.26), Wuxi square tube, galvanized tube market price narrow shock, the overall volume of trade is almost the same as last week. At the beginning of the week, the local mainstream pipe factory's square tube price was slightly lowered as the raw material cost shook back last weekend and the overall shipment performance of the pipe factory was flat. From the market, we know that with the frequent fluctuation of the cost side price, the wait-and-see mood in the market is strong, and the merchants'replenishment operation is more cautious. From the middle of the week to the end of the week, with the slight increase in raw material prices, local local pipe, galvanized pipe market prices also fluctuated narrowly.

原料方面,本周唐山钢坯价格震荡走高,唐山带钢报价稳中小涨,小窄带价格波动频频,而实际成交仍不顺畅。据了解,目前下游市场也以稳为主,成交情 况时好时坏,经销商已经适应了当下市场,库存仍维持前期水平。此外,本周华北带钢会议召开,会议最终达成共识:确定华北地区10月带钢结算价 格:355mm以下规格为4120元(吨价,下同),356-420mm执行4130元,421-500mm执行4130-4160元;以及11月份带钢 订货指导价格:窄带4300元,中宽带以上4300元,承兑加90元,以上均为现金含税价。本轮结算价格略高于方管市场预期,管厂利润微薄;不过指导价格 基本符合市场预期。截至10月26日,唐山市场普碳150?50钢坯现金含税出厂主流报价为4000元(吨价,下同),比上周同期下跌30元。

On the raw material side, Tangshan billet prices rose this week, Tangshan strip prices rose steadily, narrow band prices fluctuated frequently, but the actual transaction is still not smooth. It is understood that the current downstream market is mainly stable, trading situation is good or bad, dealers have adapted to the current market, inventory is still maintained at the early level. In addition, this week's North China Strip Conference was held, and the final consensus was reached: to determine the settlement price of strip steel in North China in October: 41120 yuan (tonnage price, the same below), 4130 yuan for 356-420 mm, 4130-4160 yuan for 421-500 mm, and 4300 yuan for narrow strip and 4300 yuan for medium and broadband in November. Acceptance plus 90 yuan, all of which are cash plus tax. The current settlement price is slightly higher than the square tube Market expectations, and the profit of the pipe mill is slight; however, the guiding price is basically in line with the market expectations. As of October 26, Tangshan market carbon 150? 50 billet cash tax-inclusive factory mainstream offer for 4000 yuan (tonnage, the same below), down 30 yuan from the same period last week.

管厂方面:本周本地管厂方管价格跟随原材料价格窄幅震荡。据了解,目前方管终端需求明显收紧,管厂出货并不理想,不过由于近期管厂的方管现货库存 仍维持在低位,尤其是镀锌管资源较为紧缺,对市场仍有一定的支撑作用。华北带钢会议结算出台以后,管厂普遍认为方管出厂价格有继续上调的必要。但尽管本地 镀锌管出货情况较好,方管成交仍不见明显的放量,价格推涨仍显乏力。后期看来,随着成本端价格逐渐趋于平稳,本地方管市场价格将进入箱体震荡,价格上下均 难有明显突破。预计短期本地管厂方管价格仍将延续震荡盘整格局。

Pipe factory: this week, the price of the square pipe of local pipe factory has been fluctuating with the price of raw materials. It is understood that the current demand for square tube terminals is significantly tightened, pipe factory shipment is not ideal, but due to the recent square tube factory stock is still low, especially galvanized tube resources are relatively scarce, there is still a certain role in supporting the market. After the settlement of the North China Strip Steel Conference, pipe mills generally believe that the ex-factory price of square pipe is necessary to continue to rise. However, although the local galvanized pipe shipment situation is better, the square tube transaction is still not obvious volume, the price push is still weak. Later, as the cost-side price gradually stabilized, the local market prices will enter the box vibration, prices are difficult to break through significantly. It is expected that the price of local pipe factory will continue to shake up in the short term.

市场监测显示,截至10月26日,宝来产4寸(3.75)方管出厂价格为4470元,与上周同期持平;友发产4寸 (3.75)方管出厂价格为4430元,与上周同期持平;君诚产4寸(3.75)方管出厂价格为4430元,与上周同期持平。友诚产4寸(3.75)镀锌 管出厂价格为5460元,比上周同期下跌20元。利达产4寸(3.75)镀锌管出厂价格为5340元,比上周同期下跌20元。君诚产6寸(4)镀锌管出厂 价格为5460元,比上周同期下跌20元。

Market monitoring showed that as of October 26, the ex-factory price of 4-inch (3.75) square tube of Baolai was 4470 yuan, which was the same as last week; the ex-factory price of 4-inch (3.75) square tube of Youfa was 4430 yuan, which was the same as last week; the ex-factory price of 4-inch (3.75) square tube of Juncheng was 4430 yuan, which was the same as last week. The price of the 4 inch (3.75) galvanized pipe is 5460 yuan, which is 20 yuan lower than that of the same period last week. Lida produced 4 inch (3.75) galvanized pipe at a factory price of 5340 yuan, down 20 yuan from the same period last week. Jun Cheng produced 6 inch (4) galvanized pipe at a factory price of 5460 yuan, down 20 yuan over the same period last week.

无锡鑫盛源钢管有限公司专业生产:方管,矩形管,焊管等一系列高频焊管产品,方管规格:40~200之间任意变形,矩形管规格:50~200之间任意变形,圆管规格:50~200之间任意变形.方管按生产标准分:国标方管,日标方管,英制方管,美标方管,欧标方管,非标方管等.方管价格,矩形管价格,焊管价格.方管行情,矩形管行情,焊管行情.行业资讯 版权所有@转载请注明:http://www.wxxsygg.com/quotation.asp?id=2052
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