
  当前位置 -> 焊管价格- 2月12日无锡焊管最新价格行情周比变动不大 发布时间:(2019/2/12)


无锡焊管市场价格盘整观望。市场方面,今期货走势反弹后有一定回调,关注3520点压力位;现货钢价原料窄幅跟进,而上游焊镀管出厂价格政策仍多跟随355mm系列带钢偏下整理 20-30,现河北地区4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在3800-4240元之间,唐山当地焊管市场价4寸3730。成交方面,进入1月份,部分品种冬储 政策已出但对市场积极性调动不强,管厂商操作仍处谨慎态势;无锡地区各管厂政策不齐缩小基差,基本面上本地3日零时起启动重污染天气Ⅱ级应急响应,同时 临近年关物流运输高峰时限将至,在近日宏观及上游持续支撑的情况下,市场以稳应对,并引导下游一定囤储迹象,当然亦存在分歧准备春节后随用随采。库存方 面,管厂原料、成品管供应相对积压,无锡地区大多商户整理库存保证常用规格,上周五在统计贸易商焊管资源社库周比变动不大。预计无锡地区焊管市场延续区间整理。
Wuxi welded pipe market price consolidation. On the market side, after the rebound of futures trend, there is a certain pullback, focusing on 3520 pressure points; spot steel prices follow up narrowly, while the upstream welding and plating pipe ex-factory price policy still follows the 355mm series steel strip down 20-30, and the current 4-inch (3.75mm) ex-factory price in Hebei is between 3800 and 4240 yuan, while the Tangshan local welded pipe market price is 4-inch 3730. In January, some kinds of winter storage policies have been issued, but the enthusiasm of the market has not been mobilized strongly, and the managers are still cautious in their operation. In Wuxi area, the managers'policies are uneven and the base difference is narrowed. Basically, the local emergency response level II of heavy polluted weather is started at 0:00 on the 3rd day. At the same time, the peak time of logistics transportation is approaching in recent years, and sustained support in the macro and upstream areas. Under the circumstances, the market should respond steadily and guide the downstream to store certain signs. Of course, there are differences in preparation for the follow-up after the Spring Festival. In terms of inventory, the supply of raw materials and finished pipes is relatively overstocked. Most merchants in Wuxi area arrange the usual specifications of inventory guarantee. Last Friday, the weekly ratio of welded pipe resources of traders changed little. It is expected that the welded pipe market in Wuxi will continue to be sorted out.

品名 规格(mm) 公称口径 材质 产地 价格(元/吨) 涨跌 备注
焊管 4分*2.75mm DN15 Q195-215 唐山友发 4410  
焊管 6分*2.75mm DN20 Q195-215 唐山友发 4390  
焊管 1寸*3.25mm DN25 Q195-215 唐山友发 4340  
焊管 1.2寸*3.25mm DN32 Q195-215 唐山友发 4330  
焊管 1.5寸*3.25mm DN40 Q195-215 唐山友发 4260  
焊管 1.5寸*3.5mm DN40 Q195-215 唐山友发 4250  
焊管 2寸*3.5mm DN50 Q195-215 唐山友发 4270  
焊管 3寸*3.75mm DN80 Q195-215 唐山友发 4250  
焊管 4寸*3.75mm DN100 Q215-235 唐山友发 4180  
焊管 5寸*4.5mm DN125 Q215-235 唐山友发 4250  
焊管 6寸*4.0mm DN150 Q215-235 唐山友发 4250  
焊管 8寸*5.0mm DN200 Q215-235 唐山友发 4290  
焊管 4分*2.75mm DN15 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4280  
焊管 6分*2.75mm DN20 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4260  
焊管 1寸*3.25mm DN25 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4230  
焊管 1.2寸*3.25mm DN32 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4220  
焊管 1.5寸*3.25mm DN40 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4190  
焊管 1.5寸*3.5mm DN40 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4190  
焊管 2寸*3.5mm DN50 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4190  
焊管 3寸*3.75mm DN80 Q195-215 唐山华岐 4180  
焊管 4寸*3.75mm DN100 Q215-235 唐山华岐 4130  
焊管 5寸*4.5mm DN125 Q215-235 唐山华岐 4220  
焊管 6寸*4.0mm DN150 Q215-235 唐山华岐 4230  
焊管 8寸*5.0mm DN200 Q215-235 唐山华岐 4240  

As for raw materials, the mainstream price of upstream billet has increased by 20 today, and the mainstream output of Tangshan billet is 3380. The quotation of Tangshan Ruifeng 355mm series strip steel is 3550, which is 20 yuan lower than the mainstream price of yesterday.

Price: The mainstream price of 1.5 inch (3.25mm) welded pipe produced by the local Tangshan Jinghua New National Standard is 4070 yuan (ton price, the same below), the mainstream price of 4 inch (3.5mm) welded pipe produced by Zhengda (Tianhong) New National Standard is 3970 yuan, and the mainstream price of 6 inch (4mm) welded pipe is 4030 yuan.

无锡鑫盛源钢管有限公司专业生产:方管,矩形管,焊管等一系列高频焊管产品,方管规格:40~200之间任意变形,矩形管规格:50~200之间任意变形,圆管规格:50~200之间任意变形.方管按生产标准分:国标方管,日标方管,英制方管,美标方管,欧标方管,非标方管等.方管价格,矩形管价格,焊管价格.方管行情,矩形管行情,焊管行情.焊管价格 版权所有@转载请注明:http://www.wxxsygg.com/quotation.asp?id=2203
相关阅读:无锡地区方管价格暂时报稳市场震荡偏弱 | 2月12日无锡市场方管价格行情震荡偏弱 | 预计节后一周两头高中间略低上涨幅度在50-90元/吨
本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:4983 
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