
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 3月11日国内方管价格窄幅波动为主继续坚挺 发布时间:(2019/3/11)


3月11日国内方管价格窄幅波动为主。周末,上游原料停产检修增多,市场炒涨情绪高涨。据调查,邯郸 地区带钢产线基本停产50%,本地主流管厂协议量减少30%-40%,管厂出厂报价积极拉涨;唐山地区,金港因没有煤气的原因无限期停产,尚未生产的带钢 给予退货,此消息直接造成每天145带钢缺口6000吨,刺激架子管价格明显上涨;另外瑞丰一二线检修也对中宽带资源有所影响。综合以上,津冀地区管厂出 厂价格拉涨情绪较高,价格上调20-40元不等,现河北主流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价继续维持在3950-4140元之间。不过期螺跳空低开 对市场情绪产生影响,价格上涨后成交暂缓,谨慎心态渐显。下游市场,个别地区随上游小幅调整,但实际成交不受影响,目前河北地区周边工地大面积停工,终端 需求始终不温不火,短期供需两弱,资源偏紧方管价格将继续坚挺。
The narrow fluctuation of domestic domestic domestic tube prices was dominant on March 11. Over the weekend, the upstream raw material shutdown and overhaul increased, and market sentiment soared. According to the survey, the production line of strip steel in Handan area has basically stopped 50%, the agreement volume of local mainstream pipeline factory has decreased by 30%-40%, and the quotation of pipe factory has increased actively; in Tangshan area, because there is no gas in Jingang, the strip steel that has not been produced has been returned indefinitely. This news directly causes 145 strip steel gap of 6000 tons per day, which stimulates the price of rack pipe to rise obviously; In addition, the overhaul of Ruifeng No.1 and No.2 pipelines has also been carried out. It has an impact on broadband resources. To sum up, the price of tube factory in Jinji area has been rising in a high mood. The price increases range from 20 to 40 yuan. Now the price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) tube factory in Hebei mainstream pipe factory keeps between 3950 and 4140 yuan. However, the short jump and low opening of snails have an impact on market sentiment. After the price rises, the transaction is postponed, and the cautious mentality is becoming more and more obvious. In the downstream market, individual areas adjust slightly with the upstream, but the actual transaction is not affected. At present, construction sites around Hebei have been shut down in a large area, terminal demand is always tepid, short-term supply and demand are weak, and resource-constrained square tube prices will continue to be strong. 价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4214元,比上周五价格 下跌1元,各中心城市其中唐山上调20元,上海降30元,其他地区报价暂与上周五价格持平。
Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4214 yuan, down 1 yuan from last Friday's price. Among them, the price of Tangshan was raised by 20 yuan and Shanghai by 30 yuan. The price quoted by other cities is still the same as last Friday's.

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本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:1418 
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