
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 国内方管市场价格稳或偏弱运行成交一般 发布时间:(2019/3/11)


3月11日国内方管市场价格下跌。受周末期间钢坯、期螺的回落部分市场价格也随之下调,需求有限,商家尽力出货,停产仍在持续,钢厂心态较为沉重,市场出现部分缺货规格,北方重点 城市唐山方管价格今日下跌,幅度在20-50之间,北方地区跟跌意向不明确,多数商家挺价出货为主,下游市场纷纷处于观望状态,较为谨慎。南方地区主要以 稳为主,跟价较慢,市场个别成交一般,挺价意愿较强。午后钢坯稳,现普碳方坯含税出厂3430元,成本有一定回落,期螺持绿震荡,有下行趋势,预计明日国内方管市场价格稳或偏弱运行。
Domestic market prices fell on March 11. During the weekend, the prices of billets and snails also fell. Demand was limited. Businessmen tried their best to deliver goods. Stopping production continued. Steel mills had a heavy mentality and some shortage specifications appeared in the market. The price of Tangshan Fangguan, a key city in the north, fell today, ranging from 20 to 50. The declining intention in the North was not clear. Most of the businessmen offered goods mainly in the downstream market. They are in a wait-and-see state and are more cautious. Southern China is mainly stable, with slow follow-up price, general individual market transactions, strong willingness to bid. In the afternoon, the billet is stable, and the current carbon billet with tax is 3 430 yuan. The cost has fallen to a certain extent. The price of square pipe market in China is expected to run steadily or weakly tomorrow. 价格方面:现国内重点中心城市25#工字钢的平均价格是4209元(吨价,下同),周末期间累跌 8元;25#槽钢平均价格是4274元,周末期间累跌11元;5#角钢平均价格是4267元,周末期间累跌8元;200*200H型钢平均价格是3899 元,周末期间累跌8元。
Price: The average price of 25# I-beam in the key cities of China is 4209 yuan (ton price, the same below), which has fallen 8 yuan during the weekend; the average price of 25# channel steel is 4274 yuan, which has fallen 11 yuan during the weekend; the average price of 5# angle steel is 4267 yuan, which has fallen 8 yuan during the weekend; the average price of 200_200H steel is 389 yuan, which falls 8 yuan during the weekend.


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本站网址:http://www.wxxsygg.com 来源:鑫盛源方管  浏览次数:1127 
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