
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 钣金厂为您讲解钣金加工的过程中的常见问题 发布时间:(2018/7/11)







1, tool wear accelerated: generally containing high melting point element, large plastic, high cutting temperature, cutting tool wear faster, grinding knife, changing knife frequently, thus affecting the production efficiency and improve the cost of cutting tools.

2, the cutting force is large and the cutting temperature is high: this type of material has high strength, large tangential stress and large plastic deformation during cutting, so the cutting force is large. In addition, the thermal conductivity of the material is very poor, which causes the increase of the cutting temperature of the stainless steel, and the high temperature is often concentrated in the narrow area near the cutting edge of the tool, thus speeding up the wear of the tool.

3. Machining hardening is serious: stainless steel and some superalloy stainless steel are austenite. The machining hardening tendency is large, usually several times of ordinary carbon steel, cutting tool in the hardened area makes cutting tool life shorter.

4, easy to stick knife: whether it is austenitic stainless steel or martensitic stainless steel, there are characteristics of chip toughness and cutting temperature. When the tough chip flows through the rake face, it will produce adhesion, welding and other sticky knife phenomenon, affecting the surface roughness of sheet metal parts.

In the process of sheet metal processing, due to poor thermal conductivity of stainless steel materials, in the application of the model is also smaller, the hole is generally in processing is not difficult, and facing the difficult processing of sheet metal, how should we solve it? Sheet metal processing manufacturers remind you that it is necessary to choose the right tool materials, so as to determine the parameters of the tool and the number of cutting tools.

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