
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 短期内国内焊管价格或继续盘整运行 发布时间:(2018/10/23)


周末至今,国内焊管价格报稳为主,个别地区小涨。今日期盘震荡上行,但现货市场跟涨动力不 足,原料带钢因成交偏弱价格报稳,津冀地区管厂出厂报价也均未有调整,谨慎情绪依然较为明显,现河北主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价仍在 4390-4610元之间。市场方面,今日大部分地区焊管报价仍以稳为主,出货一般;个别地区如贵阳等地区因前期价格均未跟涨,近期低价资料出尽,新进资 源价格出现明显上调,幅度在50-80元不等,成交尚可。总的来看,焊镀管市场心态依然偏谨慎,整体观望出货为主,若没有重大利好出现这种情况或仍难以扭 转,短期内国内焊管价格或继续盘整运行。

Up to the end of the weekend, domestic welded pipe prices have been stable, and individual areas have risen slightly. Today's volatility upward, but the cash market with insufficient momentum, raw material strip prices due to weak trading stability, Tianjin and Hebei area pipe factory quotation has not been adjusted, caution is still more obvious, Hebei mainstream pipe factory welded pipe 4 inch (3.75 mm) factory quotation is still between 4390-4610 yuan. Market, most of today's welded pipe quotation is still stable, shipment in general; some areas, such as Guiyang and other areas have not followed the previous price increases, recent low-cost information out, the price of new resources has been significantly increased, ranged from 50 to 80 yuan, the transaction is still acceptable. Overall, the welded pipe market mentality is still cautious, the overall wait-and-see shipment is the main, if there is no significant favorable situation or it is still difficult to reverse, short-term domestic welded pipe prices or continue to consolidate operation.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4660 元,比上周五同期上涨4元,各中心城市除西安上涨20元、广州上涨20元外,其他中心城市均与上周五价格持平。

Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) welded pipes in key cities in China is 4660 yuan, up 4 yuan from the same period last Friday. Except for 20 yuan in Xi'an and 20 yuan in Guangzhou, the prices in other central cities are on the same level as last Friday.

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