在焊管物流企业集中的地区,或在几种运输方式的衔接地正逐渐形成一个一个具有一定规模的拥有多种服务功能的物流企业的集结点。 In the areas where welded pipe logistics enterprises are concentrated, or where several modes of transportation converge, a logistics enterprise with a certain scale and multiple service functions is gradually forming a hub. 那么,焊管市场和物流园区有什么不同?那就是在产业链上所处的位置、规模和体制上有很大的区别。前者是专业性市场,并以焊管贸企业为服务主体,是焊管产业链上的流通环节,且多为民营企业,规模不大,幅射区域受到限制。 Then, what is the difference between welded pipe market and logistics park? That is, there are great differences in the position, scale and system of the industrial chain. The former is a professional market, with welded pipe trading enterprises as the main service, is the circulation link in the welded pipe industry chain, and most of them are private enterprises, the scale is small, radiation area is limited.
相比较而言,物流园区作为经济功能区,被列为所在地政府重点扶持的项目,规模较大,主要满足城市居民消费、就近生产、区域生产组织所需要的企业生产和经营活动。如果把焊管厂兴办的物流园区定位在焊管专业物流的话,其服务上体现了资源整合的优势,但本质上与焊管市场所具有的功能没有实质性差别。 In contrast, as an economic functional area, logistics park is listed as a key project supported by the local government, with a large scale, which mainly meets the needs of urban residents, production near the city and regional production organizations for enterprise production and operation activities. If the logistics park established by the welded pipe factory is positioned in the welded pipe professional logistics, its service embodies the advantages of resource integration, but essentially there is no substantial difference with the functions of the welded pipe market. 标签:
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