
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 12月7日国内方管价格小幅上涨报价较为混乱 发布时间:(2018/12/7)


12月7日国内方管价格小幅上涨。今日无锡地区管厂出厂报价较为混乱,早盘报价有涨有跌,但随着瑞丰带钢价 格上涨50元,大部分管厂方管报价上调30-50元不等,成交量较昨日有所回落,个别管厂方管报价午后出现暗降,现无锡主流管厂方管4寸 (3.75mm)出厂报价在3800-4180元之间。由于价格涨跌不定,目前贸易商提货以车到厂库价格为准,暂时取消锁价政策。下游地区因高价资源到货 仍有小幅追涨,市场观望情绪仍然较浓。今期盘震荡下行、加之钢坯尾盘小幅下跌拖累市场信心,明日焊镀管价格或小幅下行。

Domestic prices rose slightly on December 7. Nowadays, the ex-factory quotations of pipe plants in Wuxi area are confused, and the early quotations have risen or fallen. However, with the price of Ruifeng strip rising by 50 yuan, most of the pipe plants'ex-factory quotations have risen by 30-50 yuan, and the turnover has fallen back from yesterday. The ex-factory quotations of individual pipe plants have declined in the afternoon. Now, the ex-factory report of the main pipe plants in Wuxi is 4 inches (3.75 mm). The price ranges from 3800 to 4180 yuan. Due to the uncertain price rise and fall, traders take delivery of goods to the factory garage price as the criterion, and temporarily cancel the lock price policy. Lower reaches of the region due to the high price of resources arrival is still a small surge, market wait-and-see sentiment is still strong. Today's market turbulence downward, coupled with a slight drop in billet tail, dragged down market confidence, tomorrow's welded pipe prices or a slight downward trend.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4208元,比昨日价格上涨 6元,中心城市除了广州涨30元、成都涨30元,其他中心城市报价均与昨日持平。

Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4208 yuan, 6 yuan higher than yesterday's price. In addition to 30 yuan higher in Guangzhou and 30 yuan higher in Chengdu, other central cities quoted the same price as yesterday's.

相关阅读:12月7日无锡市场方管价格行情小幅下行 | 今日早盘国内焊管价格继续下跌整体有价无市 | 冷拔钢管根据工艺基础常用的四种测量方式
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