The physical and chemical properties of cold-drawn seamless steel pipe mainly depend on the chemical composition of the steel, the structure and purity of the steel, and the heat treatment method of the cold-drawn seamless steel pipe. The common technological properties of cold-drawn seamless steel pipe are flattening, flanging, bending and welding. Common defects of cold-drawn seamless steel tubes are as follows: a. 危险性缺陷:裂纹、内折、外折、轧破、离层、结疤、拉凹、凸包等。
A. Dangerous defects: cracks, internal folding, external folding, rolling, delamination, scarring, concave drawing, convex hull, etc.
b. 一般性缺陷:麻坑、青线、划伤、碰伤、轻微的内、外直道、辊印等。
B. General defects: pits, green lines, scratches, bruises, slight internal and external straight paths, roll prints, etc.
The causes of defects are as follows:
① 由于管坯的表面缺陷或内部缺陷所带来的。
It is caused by the surface or internal defects of the billet.
② 生产过程中产生的,如轧制工艺参数设计不正确,模具表面不光滑,润滑条件不好,孔型设计及调整不合理。
(2) During the production process, such as incorrect design of rolling process parameters, non-smooth surface of die, poor lubrication conditions, unreasonable pass design and adjustment.
(3) During hot rolling, heat treatment and straightening of cold-drawn seamless steel tube, if excessive residual stress occurs due to improper control of heating temperature, uneven deformation, unreasonable heating and cooling speed or excessive straightening deformation, surface cracks may also occur in cold-drawn seamless steel tube.
At present, the common defects of cold-drawn seamless steel tube have been solved to a great extent. In order to achieve a better development in the follow-up process, it is necessary to start with the steel technology. 标签:
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