
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 厂家介绍结构用无缝钢管执行标准是什么 发布时间:(2018/12/11)



The seamless steel pipe for national standard structure is mainly based on GB/T9711-1997 oil and gas industry transmission pipe, which includes GB/T9771.1 (representing grade A steel) and GB/T9711.2 (representing grade B steel). The quality and test requirements of GB9711.2 are generally higher than those of GB9711.1. GB9711.2 is generally applicable to flammable fluid transmission. Steel pipe, not suitable for cast pipe. SY/T5037-2000 (Spiral Submerged Arc Welded Steel Pipe for Common Fluid Pipeline) is the standard of seamless steel pipes for ministerial standard structure. This standard is the ministerial standard and GB/T9711 is the national standard. The requirement of the national standard for steel pipes is higher than that of the ministerial standard. (5037 is steel pipe for ordinary flow pipeline and 9711 is steel pipe for industrial transportation); 国标钢管的性能如下;SY/T5037-2000 GB/T9711.1-1997(A级) API Spec 5L(42)

The performance of national standard steel pipe is as follows: SY/T5037-2000 GB/T9711.1-1997 (A level) API Spec 5L (42)

【适用范围】 燃气、水、煤气、空气、采暖、蒸气等普通流体输送管道用钢管 石油天然气工业输送用钢管 石油天然气工业输送用钢管

[Scope of application] Steel pipes for oil and natural gas industrial transportation

钢种 Q195、Q215、Q235 L175——L483 A、B、X42——X70

Steel grades Q195, Q215, Q235 L175-L483 A, B, X42-X70

尺寸 管体外径 D<508 ±0.75%D D≥508 ±1.00%D,D<508 ±0.75%D D≥508 ±1.00%D ,D<508 ±0.75%D 508≥D≥914 -0.25%D~+0.75%D,D>914 -3.20~+6.35

Dimensional tube external diameter D<508+0.75%D>508+1.00%D,D<508+0.75%D>508+1.00%D,D<508+0.75%D>508+1.00%D,D<508+0.75%D 508>D>914-0.25%D~+0.75%D,D>914-3.20~+6.35%D

管端外径 D<508 ±0.75%D ±2.5 取小值 D≥508 ±1.00%D ±4.5 取小值,D≤273.1 -0.40~+1.59 D>323.9 -0.79~+2.38,D≤273.1 -0.40~+1.59 D>273.1 -0.79~+2.38

The exterior diameter of the tube end D < 508 +0.75% D +2.5, D < 508 +1.00% D +4.5, D < 273.1-0.40 ~+1.59 D > 323.9-0.79 ~+2.38, D < 273.1-0.40 ~+1.59 D > 273.1-0.79 ~+2.38, D < 0.40 ~+1.59 D > 273.1-0.79 ~+2.38

偏差 壁厚 D<508 ±12.5%t -12.5%t~+15.0%t -12.5%t~+15.0%t,D≥508 ±10.0%t L175~L245 -10.0%t~+17.5%t 不高于B级 -12.5%t~+17.5%t,L290~L555 -8.0%t~+19.5%t 不低于X42 -8.0%t ~+19.5%t

The deviation wall thickness D < 508 +12.5% t-12.5% t ~+15.0% t-12.5% t ~+15.0% t, D <508 +10.0% t L175-L245-10.0% t ~+17.5% t is not higher than grade B-12.5% t ~+17.5% t, L290-L555-8.0% t ~+19.5% t is not lower than X42-8.0% t ~+19.5% t.


[Chemical analysis]: 1 sample per smelting batch, 2 samples per smelting batch and 2 samples per smelting batch; tensile sample: 1 weld joint sample per inspection batch; base material sampling: 1 sample per smelting batch; spiral welded pipe weld: 1 butt weld per smelting batch; no more than 50 sample Masters Material, 1 specimen per smelting batch; Spiral weld: 1 specimen butt weld per smelting batch: not more than 50 samples;

【检测检验】:导向弯曲试验:不做,每检验批取一个正弯试样和一个反弯试样,对头焊缝不多于50根取一个正弯试样和一个反弯试样.每检验批取一个正弯试样和一个反弯试样,对头焊缝不多于50根取一个正弯试样和一个反弯试样。断裂韧性试验:不做,合同要求时,夏比冲击每熔炼批取3个; D≥508时,落锤冲击每熔炼批取2个合同要求时,夏比冲击每熔炼批取3个; D≥508时,落锤冲击每熔炼批取2个无损检验 补焊焊缝,对头焊缝,环向焊缝应进行X射线或超声波检验;螺旋焊缝抽查20%的钢管,用于可燃气体输送管的螺旋焊缝应100%的检验,100X检验或100%超声波检测,加对头焊缝、丁字焊缝和管端203mm X射线检验 100X检验或100%超声波检测,加对头焊缝、丁字焊缝和管端203mm X射线检验 D:钢管公称外径,mm t:钢管公称壁厚,mm [σ]静水压试验的试验应力,MPa;L:单根钢管长度 P:静水压试验压力,Pa

[Inspection and Inspection] Guided bending test: No, one positive bending specimen and one reverse bending specimen are selected for each inspection batch, and no more than 50 counterpart welds are taken one positive bending specimen and one reverse bending specimen. One positive bending specimen and one reverse bending specimen are taken for each inspection batch, and no more than 50 counterpart welds are taken one positive bending specimen and one reverse bending specimen. Fracture toughness test: No, when the contract requires, Shapi impact takes 3 batches per smelting; when D (> 508), Shapi impact takes 3 batches per smelting when D (> 508), Shapi impact takes 3 batches per smelting when D (> 508), and when D (> 508), Shapi impact takes 2 non-destructive inspection repair welds per smelting batch, X-ray or ultrasonic inspection shall be carried out for head welds and circumferential welds; Rotary weld spot checking 20% of steel pipes should be used for spiral weld inspection of flammable gas pipeline, 100% X-ray inspection or 100% ultrasonic inspection, 100% X-ray inspection or 100% ultrasonic inspection of butt weld, T-shaped weld and 203 mm X-ray inspection of pipe end, and D: nominal outer diameter of steel pipe, mm t: X-ray inspection of butt weld, T-shaped weld and 203 mm X-ray inspection of pipe end. Nominal wall thickness of steel pipe, test stress of mm [_] hydrostatic test, MPa; L: length of single steel pipe P: hydrostatic test pressure, Pa

结构用无缝钢管水压标准】:部标大口径结构用无缝钢管与国标结构用无缝钢管的主要区别标准的国标钢管不允许Q235B材质,必须是管线钢部标结构用无缝钢管主要使用符号D-----钢管标称外径mm T----钢管标称壁厚mm M----钢管线质量kg/mP----静水试验的试验压力Mpa S----静水试验的试验应力Mpa h----焊缝余高mm;

[Hydraulic Pressure Standard for Seamless Steel Tubes for Structures]: The main difference between seamless steel tubes for large-caliber structures and seamless steel tubes for national standard structures is that Q235B material is not allowed in national standard steel tubes. It must be the main symbol D - - - pipe nominal diameter T - - - pipe nominal wall thickness mm M - - - pipe line for pipeline steel partial standard structures. Mass kg/mP - test pressure of hydrostatic test Mpa S - Test Stress of hydrostatic test Mpa H - residual weld height mm;

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