
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 国内方管价格窄幅波动短期下跌风险不大 发布时间:(2019/2/22)


国内方管价格窄幅波动。今日美联储鸽派论调带动全球股市微涨,期螺高位震荡。早盘小窄带价 格积极上调40带动唐山地区主流管厂小幅上调,但成交疲软带钢价格随后回落20元,瑞丰带钢出价报稳,市场再度观望,现河北主流管厂方管4寸 (3.75mm)出厂报价在3800-3970元之间。另外天津主流管厂调整出货政策,刺激下游贸易商,带动部分出货,但毕竟刚过正月十五市场启动较慢, 本周出货情况稍弱。从兰格网统计的库存来看,厂内原料库存逐渐消化,成品库有所增加,但短期下跌风险不大,下周主要看终端释放情况,明日或主稳。
Domestic tube prices fluctuate narrowly. Today's Fed pigeon rhetoric drives global stock markets up slightly, with snail-high shocks. The small narrow band price in early trading increased 40 actively, which led to a small increase in the mainstream pipe plants in Tangshan area. However, the price of the weak strip fell 20 yuan later. Ruifeng's offer for strip steel was stable, and the market looked on again. Now the 4-inch square tube (3.75 mm) ex-factory quotation of Hebei mainstream pipe factory is between 3800 yuan and 3970 yuan. In addition, Tianjin Mainstream Pipe Factory adjusted its delivery policy to stimulate downstream traders and stimulate some shipments, but after all, the market started slowly just after January 15, and shipments this week were slightly weaker. According to the inventory statistics of Lange Net, the stock of raw materials in the factory is gradually digested and the finished product warehouse is increased, but the risk of short-term decline is not high. Next week, the main concern is the release of the terminal. Tomorrow or the main stability.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4173元,比昨日价格降2 元,其中中心城市唐山上调20元、成都降60元,其他中心城市价格暂与昨日价格持平。
Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4173 yuan, which is 2 yuan lower than yesterday's price. Among them, 20 yuan in Tangshan and 60 yuan in Chengdu are lowered in the central city, while the prices in other central cities are still the same as yesterday's.

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