
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 钣金加工行业发展得这么好的原因 发布时间:(2018/6/28)






Sheet metal processing is closely related to the life of our life, almost all of the manufacturing industry can not be separated from sheet metal processing. In general, the sheet metal processing industry has developed rapidly in recent years. The main reasons are the following aspects.

1, the production capacity demand of sheet metal processing is improved. China has become more and more international manufacturing center. With the increase of foreign investment, the demand for metal finishing is increasing, and the electrical control box and machine shell in the metal processing industry are generally sheet metal parts, so the demand for the processing capacity of metal sheet metal is not broken.

2, sheet metal processing profit is high. For example, stamping can reach about 30%, and laser cutting can achieve 50% or more.

3, sheet metal processing accuracy is low, easy to get started. As far as sheet metal processing is concerned, accuracy is very common in several threads, and the complexity of the process is relatively high. Even some parts work in dozens of ways. Therefore, gold processing enterprises usually need a variety of mechanical equipment to meet different technological requirements. The punching accuracy of sheet metal is usually about 0.1mm, and the bending accuracy can reach 0.5mm. Therefore, the accuracy is much lower than that of gold processing.

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