
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 短期国内方管价格或震荡盘整为主操作情绪平淡 发布时间:(2018/11/5)


国内方管价格小幅趋弱。从市场了解的情况来看,中秋节小长假期间各地成交不畅,津冀地区方管报价小幅 下跌,镀锌管出厂价格随成本虽有小幅上涨,但成交有限,今日焊镀管出厂报价再次走跌,现河北地区主流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在 4420-4620元之间。下游市场,受过节影响,大部分地区方管价格报稳为主,操作情绪平淡。临近十一长假,目前社会库存普遍较低,但由于对十一以后的 行情没有把握加上市场并没有出现明显方向,市场观望的心态依然较浓,谨慎操作仍是市场主流。综上,短期国内方管价格或震荡盘整为主。

The price of domestic square tubes is weakening slightly. From the market understanding, during the Mid-Autumn Festival and the long holidays, the transaction was not smooth, the quotation of square pipe in Tianjin and Hebei region dropped slightly, while the ex-factory price of galvanized pipe increased slightly with the cost, but the transaction was limited. Today, the ex-factory quotation of welded and plated pipe fell again. Now, the ex-factory quotation of 4 inches (3.75 mm) of square pipe in Hebei mainstream pipe factory is between 4420 and 4620. Between the yuan. Downstream market, affected by festivals, most of the regional prices are mainly stable, and the mood is dull. Near the eleventh long vacation, the current social inventory is generally low, but due to the uncertainty of the market after the eleventh and the absence of a clear direction in the market, the market wait-and-see mentality is still strong, prudent operation is still the mainstream of the market. To sum up, the short-term domestic tube price or shock consolidation is the main factor.

价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4695元,比上周五降4元, 中心城市其中唐山降20元、广州降20元,其他中心城市价格暂与上周末持平。

Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4695 yuan, 4 yuan lower than last Friday. Among them, Tangshan is down 20 yuan and Guangzhou is down 20 yuan. The prices of other central cities are on the same level as last weekend.


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