
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 全国带钢高位震荡厂商挺价意愿依旧强烈 发布时间:(2019/4/8)


本周全国带钢高位震荡,其中华北主导钢厂较周初持稳,华东、华南地区较周初涨20-30。周初市场稳中偏强,期螺走高对市场形成支撑,商家信心好转,整体表现尚可。但下 游对高位资源接受度有限,多维持低价拿货为主,需求恢复依然缓慢情况下,涨幅较缓。下半周市场震荡调整,钢厂复产增多,市场资源也渐有加大,但考虑到原料 价格的支撑,厂商挺价意愿依旧强烈。现阶段由于终端需求释放缓慢,商家信心稍显不足,操作意愿普遍不强。目前,一方面由于价格上涨以后终端采购观望,还有 一方面有部分商家库存偏少高价惜售。市场成交表现整体一般,贸易商观望情绪浓厚。
This week, the high level of strip steel shocks across the country, in which the dominant steelmakers in North China remained stable compared with the beginning of the week, while the eastern and southern China rose by 20-30 compared with the beginning of the week. At the beginning of the week, the market was relatively stable and strong. The rising snails supported the market. Business confidence improved and the overall performance was acceptable. However, the downstream has limited acceptance of high-level resources, mainly maintaining low prices, while demand recovery is still slow, the growth rate is slow. In the second half of the week, the market shocked and adjusted, the steel mills resumed production and the market resources increased gradually. However, considering the support of raw material prices, the willingness of the manufacturers to bid is still strong. At present, due to the slow release of terminal demand, business confidence is slightly insufficient, and operational willingness is generally not strong. At present, on the one hand, due to the price rise after terminal procurement wait-and-see, on the other hand, there are some merchants inventory is too small and high price to sell. The overall performance of market transactions is general, and traders have a strong sense of wait-and-see. 带钢周评:高位震荡,其中华北主导钢厂较周初持稳,华东、华南地区较周初涨20-30。钢厂复产增多,市场资源渐有加大,但考虑到原料价格的支撑,厂商挺价意愿依旧强烈。考虑成本端支撑商家心态,但需求释放有限。预计下周带钢维持高位震荡。
Weekly evaluation of strip steel: high shocks, in which the dominant steel mills in North China remained stable compared with the beginning of the week, East and South China rose 20-30 compared with the beginning of the week. Steel mills have increased production and market resources have increased gradually, but considering the support of raw material prices, the willingness of firms to bid is still strong. Consider the cost side to support the business mentality, but the release of demand is limited. It is expected that the strip will maintain high vibration next week.



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