
  当前位置 -> 行业资讯- 西安市方管价格小幅下跌市场成交差 发布时间:(2019/5/24)


本周西安市方管价格小幅下跌,市场成交差。本周远期市场弱势震荡。反观现货方面,今日邯郸及安阳等区域卷板价格小幅下调10元/吨,目前报价3840-3850元/吨,资源加运费直发西安压力不大。 而本地市场出货偏弱影响下,市场维持弱势震荡格局。需求方面,受陕西区域环保回头看影响,部分钢构厂关停,终端采购量下降明显。据悉,多数商户日出货 100-200吨。资源方面,受本市场资源到货偏少影响下,市场库存明显下降,目前西安区域库存维持在2.3万吨,较上周降0.6万吨。据悉,后期市场不 会有大量资源到货,预计总库存量变化不大。邯郸及安阳等区域现货价格偏低,短期内或仍有下调空间,尤其是低合金卷板,加价已经由150元/吨调整至 130-140元/吨。市场看空氛围浓,预计短期内西安卷板或仍以弱势调整为主。

This week, the price of Xi'an's local government declined slightly, resulting in a difference in market turnover. This week's weak forward market shocks. On the spot side, the prices of coiled sheets in Handan and Anyang have been slightly lowered by 10 yuan/ton today, and the current quotation is 3840-3850 yuan/ton. There is little pressure on direct delivery of CFR to Xi'an. Under the influence of weak local market shipments, the market maintains a weak oscillation pattern. In terms of demand, due to the influence of environmental protection in Shaanxi, some steel structure factories closed down, and the terminal purchasing volume decreased significantly. It is reported that most merchants ship 100-200 tons a day. In terms of resources, due to the low arrival of resources in the market, the stock in the market has dropped significantly. At present, the stock in Xi'an is maintained at 23,000 tons, down by 60,000 tons from last week. It is reported that there will not be a large number of resources in the late market, and the total inventory is expected to change little. The spot prices in Handan and Anyang are on the low side. In the short run, there is still room for reduction, especially for low alloy coils. The price increase has been adjusted from 150 yuan/ton to 130-140 yuan/ton. The market bearish atmosphere is strong, and it is expected that in the short term, the Xi'an roll board will still be dominated by weak adjustment.


Price: The main price of coil in the leading steel plant is 4040 yuan/ton, while the main price of low alloy coil is 4170 yuan/ton. 


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