
  当前位置 -> 方管知识- 解读不锈钢方管到底升不生锈?怎么预防 发布时间:(2019/1/29)


Most people think that stainless steel will never rust, but stainless steel will not rust. In fact, some stainless steel materials with low nickel content will rust under certain conditions. Stainless steel square tube has the ability to resist atmospheric oxidation, but also has the ability to resist corrosion in medium containing acid, alkali and salt. However, the corrosion resistance of the steel varies with its chemical composition, additive state, service conditions and the type of environmental medium. Therefore, not any stainless steel, in any environment can resist corrosion and rust.
Square tube
Stainless steel is formed by a very thin, solid, compact and stable chromium-rich oxide film on its surface to prevent oxygen atoms from penetrating into oxidation, and to obtain the ability to resist corrosion. If the film is destroyed, the stainless steel square pipe will lose its rust resistance. There are four common ways of destruction in daily life:
(1) The surface of stainless steel square tubes is adhered with organic juice, which forms organic acids in the presence of water and oxygen, and corrodes the metal surface for a long time.
(2) In polluted air, when it encounters condensate water, it forms sulfuric acid, nitric acid and acetic acid liquid points, which cause chemical corrosion.
(3) The surface of stainless steel square tubes contains dust containing other metal elements or adhesives of different metal particles. In humid air, the adhesives and the condensate water between the adhesives and stainless steel connect the two into a micro-battery, which causes electrochemical reaction and damages the protective film. It is called electrochemical corrosion.
(4) The adherence of stainless steel square tubes to the surface contains acids, alkalis and salts, which causes local corrosion. 标签:
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